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ELLIOT Sub-Carpathian Blueberry Growers Group Ltd. was established in July 2011 as an organized structure of five growers specializing exclusively in the production of blueberry fruit.

Company headquarters is located in Bratkowice in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, 14 km from Rzeszow.

Certyfikat firma godna zaufaniaBy the decision of the Director of the Regional Agricultural Market Agency in Rzeszów ELLIOT Sub-Carpathian Blueberry Growers Group Ltd. achieved the status of a recognized organization of fruit and vegetable producers in April 2017.

ELLIOT Group shareholders have blueberry plantations with a total area exceeding 130 hectares of crops. The structure of varietal plantations can produce fruit from early July to late September. To extend the service life of fruit and a cumulative period of trade in fresh fruit the Group offers customers the fruits out of ULO cold store in the subsequent month of the year, i.e. October.


The main objective of the ELLIOT Group is to present an offer of the highest European standards.

Therefore as of the beginning of its activity it puts great emphasis on quality and dynamic development. ELLIOT is a co – founder of the Polish Berry Cooperative association and its own brand of fruit BerryGood.


Has two logistics center in Bratkowice (district of Rzeszów), and next one in Żołynia (district of Łańcut). The facilities of total area of 3 000 m 2 are equipped with modern rapid cooling chambers, cold stores, ULO cold stores, automatic sorting and packaging lines, traysealers, shipping chambers and professional sanitary facilities for employees. Extensive maneuvering lots allowing large lorries to easily maneuver and park, and convenient access are further advantages of both facilities.


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Design and implementation: Websites REMEDIA